In 2018, Terence Fugazzi, VP Sales & Marketing at Neptune Systems, traveled to San Francisco and brought along the video team. His goal? Visiting the California Academy of Sciences and Steinhart Aquarium, to interview Richard Ross at the Albright Coral Spawning Lab. At the time, the project was only in its first year, and the team had already produced a successful captive-bred cohort of baby corals!
As was shared by author Richard Ross in our January/February 2021 issue, SPAWNING NIGHTS, the lab has gone on to produce multiple successful spawns, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neptune Systems has recenetly established a Coral Breeding Forum on their website to help aquarists who are using their controller systems to trigger captive spawning in corals. For our part, the CORAL Magazine Coral Breeding Hub will help pull information like this together in the hopes of inspiring aquarists to tackle yet another “final frontier” in the marine aquarium hobby. As mini MACNA attendees recently heard from Dr. Jamie Craggs, there is amazing potential for new and exciting types of corals to be produced for the aquarium trade that are only acheivable through sexual propagation!
Get To It: Watch The Behind-The-Scenes Interview!