Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 17, Issue 3 – SEA CHANGE – May/June 2020. On the cover: Water testing: Deliormanli/iStock. Background: Hexagon Brain Coral, Diploastrea heliopora, Werner Fiedler.
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HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

Table of Contents for the May/June 2020 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.

In his Letter from Europe, Daniel Knop ponders this question: As reef tanks have moved away from massive amounts of live rock, what effect has this had on the micro-fauna of our reef aquariums? Are refugiums more important than ever?

Thinking of how stay-at-home orders are changing lives and priorities, CORAL Editor In Chief James Lawrence notes that our aquariums are an ever-more-important source of respite. “The world is retreating into the safety and security of home and hearth in a time when the world is in a 21st-century time of plague. For many of us, the home aquarium can become more important than ever, a glowing, warm, family gathering place where life goes on and we can escape into a safe realm where reef animals are blissfully unaware of the chaos that has engulfed the entire globe.”

Reef News presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: 3D-printed faux stony corals might be a welcome addition to the reef restoration toolkit; from more than 100 years back, the artwork of Ernst Haeckel meets the modern photography of regular CORAL contributor Werner Fiedler in an exhibition at the Kulturhistorisches Museum Schloss Merseburg; cultured Tridacna clams originating from the Red Sea aren’t just making waves in the U.S,, as Daniel Knop shares images from German importer MCM.

REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted in the current aquarium trade. Michael Vargas Photography takes the opening spread with an incredible portrait of luxe mushroom corals photographed at SBB Corals in New Jersey. More exciting corals and fishes await the reader in this issue!

SEA CHANGE, by Felicia McCaulley, ignites our comprehensive analysis of ICP-OES water testing in the reef aquarium hobby. What is ICP-OES? Where did it come from? These and many other questions will be answered in the pages that follow.

2020 CORAL Survey: Hands-on reefkeepers rate the value of ICP-OES water testing. Matt Pedersen reports the results from 1,100 responses we received from around the globe.

Just as you would do with any major medical diagnosis, we reached out to Tim Hovanec, Ph.D., requesting a second opinion on ICP-OES testing. Hovanec offers a practical look at the limitations and issues with ICP-OES testing in marine aquaria—and how to make it better.

Scott Michael presents the sand-diving wrasses or Razorfishes from the tribe Novaculini. Most are aquarium obscurities, but one rather well-known species is a charming baby that is truly a dragon as an adult. Still, if you’re willing to devote the time and effort, there are several worthwhile candidates for the marine aquarium.

In Part 2 of Reef Fluorescence, we rejoin Werner Fiedler in the waters of Indonesia to look beyond fluorescing corals in search of the shrimps, fishes, and other sea creatures that glow in response to the right spectrum of light.

In 2012, after 21 years as a devout freshwater aquarist, Dana Nowak succumbed to the spontaneous temptation to take advantage of an especially attractive offer on a complete nanocube set, and nothing has been the same since. For our Aquarium Portrait, we hope you enjoy Nowak’s Diary of a Mad Reefkeeper: One woman’s path to success through passion and perseverance.

Daniel Knop shines the Species Spotlight on the Golden Polyp Sea Fan, Menella sp., a challenging Indo-Pacific non-photosynthetic gorgonian that can be successfully kept in the aquarium.

Refugium Basics: A thriving “safe place” can be a major enhancement to any captive reef system. Daniel Knop provides an overview of a refugium’s benefits and describes how to set one up on your own system in this issue’s Reefkeeping 101 column.

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Didn’t get enough of the Golden Polyp Sea Fan in our Species Spotlight? Then you’ll truly appreciate this advanced perspective from Miriam Reusche on the successful husbandry of Menella spp. gorgonians in the home aquarium.
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