The Broadstripe Cleaner Goby, Elacatinus prochilos, is a new aquacultured offering from Bocas Mariculture, distributed by Biota Aquariums in Florida. Image courtesy Biota Aquariums.
via Biota Aquariums
At Biota, we employ and support the best fish breeders and aquaculturists in the world. This is true with our newest livestock from Bocas Mariculture in Panama. We’ve been working with Bocas founder Till Deuss for a few years to get some of his amazing corals, fish, and invertebrates into the world, and we finally received his first shipment! This first import brings some amazing new strains and varieties of aquacultured zoanthids, mushroom corals, fish, and shrimp to the U.S. market.
One brand-new species is the Broadstripe Cleaner Goby (Elacatinus prochilos). This is an incredibly pretty member of the Elacatinus genus that is known for cleaning ectoparasites off larger fish. The fish we have received are all excitedly feeding on pellet foods and swimming up to our staff. They are close to full size and great for any reef or fish-only tanks, either singly or in small groups.
The various species of mushrooms and zoanthids we received all have unique and interesting patterns and coloration: Florida Ricordea (Ricordea florida), the Warty Corallimorph or St. Thomas Mushrooms (Rhodactis osculifera, formerly Rhodactis sanctithomae), Caribbean Umbrella Mushrooms (Discosoma neglecta), and the Forked Tentacle Corallimorph (Discosoma carlgreni).
There are a few photos below, but we urge our wholesale customers to check out the WYSIWYG section of our website, as anything listed tends to go fast!
As always, we distribute only captive-bred and cultured marine life to brick-and-mortar stores around the U.S.
Learn more at https://biotaaquariums.com/