Excerpt from Scientific American
“… a new algorithm called Sea-thru, developed by engineer and oceanographer Derya Akkaynak, removes the visual distortion caused by water from an image. The effects could be far-reaching for biologists who need to see true colors underneath the surface. Akkaynak and engineer Tali Treibitz, her postdoctoral adviser at the University of Haifa in Israel, detailed the process in a paper presented in June at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.”

From the video: A before-and-after of the new algorithm when applied to raw underwater photography.

From the video: A before-and-after of the new algorithm when applied to raw underwater photography.

The full article was originally published with the title “Ocean Vision” in Scientific American 321, 6, 16 (December 2019). doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1219-16

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