Watch Matt Pedersen present “The Next Steps: Meeting the Aquaculture Needs of Your Local Fish Store” from MACNA 2019.
CORAL Sr. Editor and Associate Publisher Matt Pedersen takes the stage at MACNA 2019 in Orlando, Florida, to tackle a challenging topic requested by MACNA’s organizers: “Selling to Retailers.”
More specifically, Pedersen investigates the question, “How can you find success and make progress breeding fish and propagating corals to sell into the marine aquarium hobby and trade?”
If you’re propagating corals or fish, you’ll eventually have more than you can keep, so what do you do? If you’re thinking about starting a coral farming business or marine fish hatchery, what are the pitfalls, and where are the opportunities? How do you go about starting your own business?

For your consideration: What did retail consumers say was most important when shopping for livestock? Do the answers surprise you?
While discussing everything from the economics of breeding marine fish to establishing business partnerships within the aquarium industry, Pedersen shares timely data from our landmark marine aquarium livestock futures survey, including the answers to industry-specific questions like, “What’s most important to your retail customers? Where do you prefer to buy your fish? How important is aquacultured livestock to the future of your business? Is price really the number one influence of retail aquarium livestock purchases?”
If you’re interested in how the aquarium trade works and what trade participants are thinking, you’ll be treated to data in this presentation we’ve yet to share anywhere else! Pedersen even shares a financial model of a small-scale marine fish hatchery first developed to investigate the economics of a small-scale Banggai Cardinalfish hatchery for the Reef To Rainforest book, Banggai Cardinalfish.
For those who want to jump straight to the survey data, the results and error rates start showing up at the 9:50 mark!
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