CORRECT page 66, which had two values transposed in the Target Parameters box during production.

CORRECT page 66, which had two values transposed in the Target Parameters box during production.

An error has been brought to our attention which was published in the May/June 2019 issue of CORAL Magazine, MORAYS.

On page 66 of Felicia McCaulley’s article “Reef Dosing Simplified” a small table of target parameters was included. During the layout of this table, the target values for dKH and meq/L measurements of alkalinity were transposed.

The corrected page is shown above.

We regret any confusion this may cause.

This table should read:

Reef Aquarium Target Parameters

Calcium: 380 – 450 ppm
Magnesium: 1250-1350 ppm
meq/L: 2.5-4
dKH: 7-11
pH: 8.1-8.3

The error has been corrected in our digital edition.

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