sera's new Nature line of aquarium fish foods.

sera’s new Nature line of aquarium fish foods.

via sera

Heinsberg/Germany – The new sera Nature food lines are manufactured entirely without dyes and preservatives, and thus allow for a particularly natural ornamental fish diet.

The new food types include the staple food Vipan Nature (Tropical Flakes), the color food San Nature (Color Flakes), the herbal food Flora Nature (Veggie Flakes), the flake food Goldy Nature (Goldfish Flakes), as well as the two treats: GVG-Mix Nature (Treat Mix) and marin GVG-Mix Nature (Marine Treat Mix).

As may be guessed from the name, all Nature food types are based on their namesakes (e.g. Vipan). They are additionally enriched with high-quality ingredients such as Krill, natural Spirulina or insect meal. The insect meal from Hermetia flies serves as a valuable, sustainable protein source and replaces the fish meal in Vipan Nature as well as in Goldy Nature to a certain extent. The color of the flake food is exclusively determined by the natural ingredients such as Spirulina or Haematococcus algae.

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