Robert “Snorkel Bob” Wintner, arch-foe of the aquarium fishery in Hawaii. Image: Charding/A Different Kind of Farm/YouTube.
To CORAL Magazine Readers and Sponsors,
Good morning. Hawaii’s governor is expected to sign or veto Senate Bill 1240, which is a ban on aquarium fishing in Hawaii. PIJAC is working closely with the state’s fishermen to urge the governor to veto the bill.
We are requesting promotion of the following items on your websites, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and any other avenues which you may find appropriate (sending to members, e-mail lists, etc.) with the goal of getting people to call, e-mail, or otherwise contact the governor, and to show the governor that there is widespread opposition to this bill.
PIJAC’s Pet Alert may be republished.
Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources has recommended a veto of SB 1240: http://www.civilbeat.org/2017/06/dlnr-urges-ige-to-veto-bill-phasing-out-aquarium-fishing-in-hawaii/
Hawaii’s NPR station aired a former aquarium director’s opposition to SB 1240 due to the legislation’s scientific failings: http://hpr2.org/post/commentary-protect-aquarium-fishing
A new op-ed by opponents of SB 1240 fact-checks a misleading HSUS poll push: http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/opinion/columns/banning-aquarium-fishing-wrong-hawaii
The op-ed was originally published here by a sister publication, where it also covered the jobs that SB 1240 risks: http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/commentary/their-views/aquarium-fishing-limits-wrong-hawaii
PIJAC’s request for people to contact the governor, including draft language for e-mails: http://www.pijac.org/pet-alerts/urgent-aquarium-fishing-industry-risk-elimination-if-hawaii-gov-ige-doesnt-veto-hi-sb
On behalf of the fishermen of Hawaii, thank you for considering this request. If you would like to speak with PIJAC’s point person on this issue, please let me know. If you would like to speak to Bruce Carlson, who did the NPR segment and co-authored the op-ed, please also let me know.
Best Regards,
Dustin Siggins