The March/April 2017 Issue of CORAL Magazine is printed and now being delivered to subscribers, local aquarium shops, and select bookstores. On sale date: March 7th, 2017, at the best marine aquarium retail stores and leading Barnes & Noble stores everywhere.
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HEREWITH: a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

The Table of Contents, and Daniel Knop’s Letter from Europe, introducing the issue. Knop writes, “We feel that a publication like ours should cover all aspects of the hobby, and fish disease is a critical one. Today we know a lot about animal diseases, prevention strategies, and treatment options. In this issue, therefore, we have put this topic front and center in the hope that it will help you maintain the good health of your aquarium charges.”

The Editor’s Page: Fighting back with facts in a time of science denial. CORAL Editor & Publisher James Lawrence discusses the perilous times for those whose lives and passions are entwined with the natural world and the future of Earth’s oceans and coral reefs, insisting we “keep our respect for science and never let the real facts be censored.” To wit, Lawrence introduces the report, When Acropora Dies, an online bonus from Andrew Bruckner and Georgia Coward of CORAL CPR, which you can read online right now!

REEF NEWS brings you findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: the lives of colorblind squid, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s new live reef cam, and corals thriving despite sinking pH values.

CORAL Magazine’s Rarities column returns with an in-depth look at imports from Mauritius by Eli Fleishauer & Cynthia Delillo of Quality Marine, and then Brian Wagner and photographer Brian Dowling of A&M Aquatics introduce three new cultivated varieties of “Moonstone” Favia being farmed in Michigan, now in sufficient quantities to release on the wholesale market.

CORAL VISIONS opens with a stunning Trachyphyllia from World Wide Corals. Turn the page to see what other showstopping surprises wait inside. Look elsewhere on the site for a collection of corals that were “culled” in the selection of specimen chosen to be immortalized in print!

Does a Fish Feel Pain? Swiss ethicist Prof. Dr. Markus Wild talks about the sometimes misunderstood sensitivities of fishes—and argues that their health afflictions deserve our conscientious care and attention.

No Brain, No Pain? Invertebrate zoologist Dr. Ronald Shimek recalls a terrifying underwater encounter with a giant octopus and goes on to present evidence that the “lower animals” have feelings, too!

FIRST AID for MARINE FISHES, by Gerald Bassleer and and the CORAL Magazine staff, presents the most common marine aquarium health problems at a simplified first aid level. You’ll want to keep this handy reference for the next time trouble strikes.

Robert Fenner is Rethinking the Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse; while still urging great caution in the purchase of any Labroides wrasse, Fenner asks if the dawn of captive-bred Cleaner Wrasses may soon represent a sea change in the keeping of the species.

Than Thein has created an essential coral husbandry guide to Stopping Pests & Pestilence in their tracks! No reef aquarists should be without a copy.

Daniel Knop’s series on Aquarium Photography continues with an illuminating discussion of the various types of flashes available to you, the aquarium photographer.

Heinz Hartwig discusses his Passionate Comeback in this issues Aquarium Portrait; “Fifteen years of abstinence were not sufficient to cool my enthusiasm for coral reefing. Thanks to good planning and considerable effort, I was able to create my dream aquarium in just one year.” It’s an impressive aquarium you won’t want to miss.

Presenting a compact, inexpensive, and highly effective revision to quarantine as you’ve come to know it, Joseph Szczebak shares the tried and tested Bucket Transfer Quarantine method developed at Roger Williams University’s marine breeding lab. This may truly change how you look at quarantine forever.

The Tufted Nudibranch, Tritoniopsis frydis, usually seen as a stowaway on Caribbean and Floridian gorgonians, shines in our Species Spotlight.

Take a trip to Fiji and learn about the “dream project” of Walt and Deb Smith’s new initiative to bring back decimated coral reefs— Aquaculture Development for the Environment (ADE). Contributor Bob Fenner chats with Walt and Deb, who hope that the marine aquarium hobby will join them in paying back to a region that has long supplied the trade with amazing fishes, corals and live rock (wild and farmed). To get involved, visit
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