David W. Greenfield and Toshiyuki Suzuki introduce us to another new species of dwarf goby in the paper Eviota bilunula, a new dwarfgoby species from Fiji, with a re-description of Eviota flebilis (Teleostei: Gobiidae), published November 21st, 2016, in the Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation.
The authors introduce E. bilunula, with the common name Crescent Dwarfgoby, from Fiji. The paper also bolsters the description of E. bilunula‘s closest relative, Japan’s E. flebilis, also known as the Tearful Dwarfgoby (named for the red mark below the eye). E. flebilis was previously known from only a single holotype.
See more images of these two tiny goby species, and learn more about their ranges and description, in the full open access article.