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Click cover to order this back issue for your CORAL collection.


6   Letter from Europe by Daniel Knop
9   Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence
10   Reef News
22   Rarities: CORAL staff report

30   Interview: Marine biologist Christiane Schmidt on the Disney-Pixar movie Finding Dory by Daniel Knop
36   Bommies by Gary Bell
46   Small Bommie Basics by John Ciotti
50   Build Your Own Bommie by Daniel Knop
54   Kaleidoscopic Coral Visions — A portfolio of extraordinary reef animals by Matt Pedersen
62   Dory Doubles Blue Demoiselles (genus Chrysiptera) by Scott W. Michael
74   Starter Small-Polyp Stony Corals by Daniel Knop

87   Diving in the Living Room — Low-maintenance, but wired for video blogging by Daniel Knop

93 Species Spotlight: Wunderpus photogenicus by Daniel Knop
100 Coral Sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
102 Coralexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
104 Advanced Aquatics: Culling Crown-of-Thorn Starfish — Can we salvage impacted reefs? by Andrew Bruckner and Georgia Coward
112 Advertiser Index
114 Reef Life: by Denise Nielsen Tackett and Larry P. Tackett

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