Juvenile captive-bred Madagascar Clownfish are now making a commercial scale debut at Sustainable Aquatics.

Juvenile captive-bred Madagascar Clownfish are now making a commercial scale debut at Sustainable Aquatics.

via Sustainable Aquatics

A NEW Species of Clownfish for Sustainable Aquatics – The Madagascar Clown, Amphiprion latifasciatus

Madagascar Broodstock

In late 2012, we imported a group of juvenile A. latifasciatus clownfish from Madagascar. These fish were placed in various large display tanks on the SA campus. Three years later, two of the pairs have begun spawning. Pictured is a spawning pair in a 240g mixed reef. Their eggs can be seen at the upper left, near the anemone.

A broodstock pair of wild Amphiprion latifasciatus in a reef tank at Sustainable Aquatics.

A broodstock pair of wild Amphiprion latifasciatus in a reef tank at Sustainable Aquatics.

Larval Rearing of the Madagascar Clownfish

Rearing the newly-hatched larvae of the Madagascar Clown did not prove difficult. Many healthy juveniles were produced from several nests collected in early 2015.

Larval Amphiprion latifasciatus at Sustainable Aquatics

Larval Amphiprion latifasciatus at Sustainable Aquatics


Below are pictures of some of the juveniles!

Juvenile F1 Amphiprion latifasciatus in growout.

Juvenile F1 Amphiprion latifasciatus in growout.

Juvenile A. latifasciatus, ready for sale.

Juvenile A. latifasciatus, ready for sale.

Madagascar Clownfish are now available from Sustainable Aquatics as tank-bred fish! Visit www.SustianableAquatics.com for more information.


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