MACNA 2015 Program Guide Book

MACNA 2015 Program Guide Book Cover. Click to download PDF of this 68-page book. Courtesy WAMAS and CORAL Magazine.
MACNA 2015 Official Web Site
September 3-6
Washington, D.C.
Host: Washington Area Marine Aquarist Society
The 2015 MACNA Program Guide Book is published by the Washington Area Marine Aquarist Society (WAMAS) and created with the assistance of Reef to Rainforest Media, LLC, publishers of CORAL Magazine. Neptune Systems, once again, is the generous sponsor of the Program Book.
Editor | James M. Lawrence
Design | Linda Provost
Contributors: John Coppolino, J.R. Corvison, Dr. Nancy Knowlton,
Tom Land, Paul Ledford, Wade Lehman, Lauren Ludi, Julian Sprung, Louise Watson
Production | Anne Linton
Business | Judy Billard
Editorial Assistance | Bayley Freeman
Printed in USA | Dartmouth Printing Company, Hanover, New Hampshire