Producers of Matt’s Reef – an online video series we were just getting into – announce its cancellation.
Matthew Galat plays the lead role in the movie that is his own life. An expat living abroad, his youtube channel, The JaYoe Nation Youtube Channel covers so much more than reefs. On Sept. 5th, 2014, Galat shared the 4th and final video in his “Matt’s Reef Tank” series, a bittersweet farewell as he embarks on a 5 year mission to travel the world on a recumbent bicycle.
Maybe not 100% accurate, certainly not 100% “best practices”, Galat nevertheless is endearing and charming to watch as he plods through life as a reefkeeper in China. While we would have hoped for more reef videos from Galat in the future, it’s time to take a look back at this unique and enjoyable series.
Episode 1 – Tank Construction
Episode 2 – Trip to the Chinese Fish Shop
My personal favorite, showing a look at the “LFS” or Local Fish Store, as it exists in China.
Episode 3 – Testing Part 1 — the Basics
Episode 3- Testing Part 2 — the Procedures
Episode 4 – The End? — A Heat Crash
Definitely a worthwhile watch for anyone who’s suffered a major setback with their reef tanks, and the last installment of the series
While this marks the end, for now, of Galat’s aquarium contributions, you can follow him on his journey as he documents it online at http://jayoe.com/
While our pH may waver, and our nitrates may try to rise, Matthew, may your tires stay inflated and your sleeping accommodations always be dry!
Hey Matt.
I just came across this. I was searching for my playlist on google and all of the sudden I see your page. So cool for sharing., and for the nice words. I appreciate all you said…. Although im pretty sure I am 110% accurate all the time… (can you taste my sarcasm?) Not sure if you knew this, but I actually produced Episodes 5, 6 and 7… after I had an accident on the road and had to return to the office. I am also putting together 8 and 9 that I made after subsequent vacations and climb up Mount Everest. Both are similar… coming home to a tank with trouble…. But I think they are interesting and have some good information as well. Look for them in a couple days. Anyway… I just wanted to say thank you for sharing. Happy reefing!
Matt, I had no idea (simply don’t get to follow everyone I’d like to)! I’ll have to check those out and maybe bring them around for another look! Thanks for stopping by and checkin’ in – Matt