November/December 2012
Volume 9, Number 6

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4   Letter from Europe by Daniel Knop

7   Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence

8   Letters

12  Reef News

24 Rarities by Inken Krause

30 Interview: CORAL talks with Dr. Rio Abdon-Naguit


38  The Origin & Future of Farming Giant Clams by Gerald Heslinga, Ph.D.

54  Waikiki Aquarium’s Giant Clams Mark 30-year Anniversary by Dr. Bruce Carlson

62  Endangered Giants by Daniel Knop

68  Keeping Giant Clams in the Aquarium by Daniel Knop

72  Forgotten Florida by Matt Pedersen

84  Keeping Zebra Mantis Shrimp  Part 1 by Roy L. Caldwell, Ph.D.

95  A Kreisel Tank for Rearing Marine Larvae by Christian Martin

103 Aquarium Portrait: A mud filter and lots of patience  by Kevin Bittroff


111 Species Spotlight: Randall’s Watchman Goby by Daniel Knop

115  Reefkeeping 101: Phosphate binders—how to use them correctly by Daniel Knop; The Two Spot Blenny by Inken Krause

120  CORAL destinations:
World-class aquarium shops & places to visit

122 CORAL Sources: Outstanding aquarium shops

124 Advanced Aquatics: Lessons from the turf wars by J. Charles Delbeek

128 Advertiser Index

130 Reef Life: by Denise Nielsen Tackett and Larry P. Tackett 

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